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Everything posted by manu

  1. That's weird, open a command line window. Change the directory to your workspace path and issue the following, post us the result. > cm lrep > cm find branch > cm find changeset
  2. manu

    Excel error

    I think that the issue is, for some reason, that the plugin needs to get connected to finish the installation. I don't know why, I'll ask the plugin developer, maybe he can give us more info.
  3. manu

    Excel error

    Is this machine connected to the Internet?
  4. Hello omri, I would like to connect with you in order to discover which parameter is causing the hang. Do you think it's possible to arrange a short meeting?
  5. Hi qc7! Thanks for the suggestion! we will take it into account. Can you please add the idea into the user voice system? The top ideas of the webpage are implemented in the newer releases: http://plasticscm.uservoice.com/forums/15467-general
  6. It good to hear that the "....rigger after-update "after update" "ruby /foo/bar.rb"" trick worked! Yes but I think it can be confusing since you can think that it's only a local client trigger.... I have added a task into our bug tracking system in order to allow both behaviors.
  7. Hi again Logan, I'm sorry, you are right. I've just added the task into the bug tracking system and we-ll change the behavior.
  8. I really don't understand this, the after-update trigger is a client local trigger. Can we schedule a gotomeeting sessions in order to get more information?
  9. Hello Logan, the update triggers are client side triggers, they are executed in the client machine. The MAcOS "/Users/...." path is not valid for a Windows machine so you need to install ruby in the windows machine and create an update trigger in the windows machine. In this way the MacOs machine will run the MacOS trigger and the Windows machine the Windows trigger. Are you using shared workspaces?
  10. Yep, but soon or later we will need to implement a way to edit the lock.conf file without editing the file manually.
  11. Sorry but not in this first implementation. But I'll propose this idea to the team.
  12. Hello andsee, I think the 4.1 with the exclusive checkout feature will be released this week. I'll shortly explain you how it works. The exclusive checkout (locking) can now be configured per path. To configure it create a file "lock.conf" in the server directory with the following format: rep:local_repname lockserver:server:port path_rules where * local_repname: is the name of the repository where you want to perform exclusive checkouts * server: the lock server * port: the port where the lock server is configured * path_rules: an entry per rule specifiying file names with wildcards Example: rep:default lockserver:localhost:8084 *.doc *.xls *.jpg document.vcs /install/readme/* Once the file "lock.conf" has been created and the server restarted, each time a file matching the rules is checkedout, it will be checkedout in exclusive mode (locked), so no other checkout can happen.
  13. Hi, you are right, it's not a very clear operation right now. We are working to create a smoothly mechanism to achieve a successful rename. In most of the case you don't need to delete your workspace, just close the GUI, open a command line window, cd to your workspace path and run a "cm update ." command. If this is not productive you can delete your "C:\..\wkPath\.plastic\plastic.wktree" and repeat the update.
  14. Aha!! you read our minds! We are currently developing it!! There is one developer on it right now, it will be ready in 1, 2 or 3 weeks maximum. We want to have it for the San Francisco GDC conference.
  15. Uuuu I don't want to make Tom ungry!!!! All my PlasticSCM knowledge is yours!! Take it!!!
  16. Hello Tom, for the client is quite easy: "cm version". For the server it's a little bit tricky, but you have two options: First: Stop the windows PlasticSCM server service. Open a command line window, change the dir to the PlasticSCM server directory. Issue the following: "plasticd.exe --console" it will prompt you something like this: Creating ServerSink Plastic SCM daemon up. 3650 ms startup time Second: Open the "loader.log.txt"/plastic.log.txt file on the PlasticSCM server and search for something starting with: "INFO Daemon - Plastic SCM daemon up " Get the last entry. Manu
  17. Hi roadrunner, I totally understand you, in that cases the exclusive checkout is very useful... I can only say that we are going to develop it, but right now there are things with more priority... We are a small team and we have to dismiss (for some time) some tasks....
  18. Hi roadrunner, You are going to use the exclusive checkout for binary or text files? Do you know that plastic can handle the workflow in a single branch in a very easy way performing merges, right? We have more priority tasks right now, are you a CommunityEdition user or do you have purchased any support/product licenses? Regards, Manu.
  19. Hehehe I guess that! I'm not sure if roadrunner thinks the same
  20. Hi all, well it's not a bug... It's a pending thing to do.... It's in our ToDo list... we will do it!
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