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Everything posted by JarJarThomas

  1. Well the interesting this was it happened rather easily while working with another guy. We have a pattern that says rootpath/ - all public headers -> private - all private headers -> source - all sourcefiles because we are currently creating a software from scratch we worked both independently on two different features. Feature one -> add a filesystem encapsulation mechanism Feature two -> add a value factory mechanism so we added in our framework under System (framework/System) both independently the folder private. User one on branch main/SCM1421 FileSystem User two on branch main/SCM1444 DomValueFactories Merging both back into main -> error. I could only overcome this by renaming the folder private to private2, move the file, checkin, delete private2 And as far as i can tell from previous projects stuff like what happens rather often. Yes it won't happen so often for files ... but directories are not source files
  2. Hi while evaluating i come to the situation that i created the same directory in two different branches adding different files to it. (At least i think it was what happend). Now the merge failes because of a conflict in the directory merge. A dialog pops up where i can select the files and rename the folders. But what i really would have liked would be a way to integrate both directories. Greetings Thomas
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