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indexPlastic last won the day on August 19 2015

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  1. Hello, We have licenses for 4 users of the "Enterprise" edition of unity, I have installed the license file in the server, which is reflecting the correct level of "Enterprise Edition" Plastic Client Version:, Plastic Server Version: When attempting to connect to the server from Unity (5.1.1f1, on Mac OS X 10.10.8) we are getting the following error "Version Control: PlasticSCM: The Unity3D plugin is unlicensed in your Plastic SCM server" and "Cannot load PlasticSCM overlays when plugin is not running" I have seen some posts regarding this error and the community edition, which attribute this error to the licensing issue of community not being able to use the Unity plugin. This is not the case. Any ideas? EDIT: In the webinar for PlasticSCM + unity, when the speaker selects "PlasticSCM" in the Editor window, there are options for "Workspace" and "Repository", we do not see those options, are we missing something? Results of the cm li command: We are seeing this icon next to the unityplugin application in the macplastic app We've tried rebooting the MAC, and we have our security settings allowing applications from third parties, but this icon with the white circle and slash is still appearing next to the application. When we run the application directly from the command line, we get the same errors we are getting above. We are seeing these requests on the server 2015-08-24 19:50:16,528 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM at <removed> Operations - Retrieving server license data 2015-08-24 19:50:16,528 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM at INFO ChannelCall - recb: 617|rect: 0|sentb: 509|sendt: 0|prt: 0|th: 32|dest: 0|mt: 0|sert: 0|zip: 0| <ip address>|GetLicenseData 2015-08-24 19:50:16,622 (null) NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM at (null) INFO Channel - Connection 47 from <ip address> closed
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