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Posts posted by calbzam

  1. Quote

    Is there a way to automate this last step from inside of the editor? I've been trying to add menu in Unity to run a bash script which executes the command but i always get a "/bin/bash: cm: command not found" exception. When i try to run the cmdrunner inside of unity i always get the following exception: Native error= Cannot find the specified file.

    Do you mean somehow to keep the Xlink target updated when you perform changes directly in the Xlink? I'm afraid you will need to manually edit the Xlink to load the new changesets.

    If you were using a writable Xlink, when you perform changes in the Xlinked repo via the parent repo, the Xlink target is automatically updated.


    How come i can run these commands in my terminal and in shell but not in the Editor with a process/shellrequest? I'm very much out of my depth here so any pointers would be appreciated :)

    "cm" is the CLI Plastic client and it's distributed with every Plastic client installation. If "cm" is saved in the system PATH, you should be able to directly run it on a terminal. otherwise, you can also use the full "cm" path to run the commands.

    In Linux:


    In Windows:

    C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM\client\cm



  2. Hi,

    I was asking to create a new workspac and update the workspce from scratch, is this what you did?

    If you rename/delete the current client configuration folder and reconfigure Plastic from scratch, does the issue persist? I'm guessing if it could be a local configuration issue.

    If the issue persists after that, there may be some issue in the repository. We would need some access to the repo to debug it.



  3. Hi,

    The "cm find" command is running a query in the repository. It's not related to what you (or any of your teammates have downloaded in a local workspace).

    If you are trying to show modified files, I'm guessing if the "cm diff" command could be more useful.



  4. Hi,

    Plastic supports work distributed (using replicas as git does) and also centralized.

    - If you work distributed, you can use replica with --nodata to partially clone the repo. You can clone the metadata avoiding to clone the data. This avoids to download big amount of data during the replicas. Git needs to hydrate the local repo to use it; Plastic can work without any local repo data, just retrieving the required blobs on demand from the original server (or a designated alternative). 

    - Working centralized also solves the problem, but it is out of scope for Git. What I mean is that it is perfectly fine to work with a working copy directly connected to the central repo. Checkin (commit in Git jargon) and done. No need for the extra push/pull or having a loca repository. And that's solves the problem because you don't need the local or partial clone, and you can tweak the working copy to download only what you need. You can use Gluon to natively configure the files you want to download but you can also use "cloaked.conf" to do the same in the Plastic GUI.



  5. Hi,

    Not very sure if I'm following you. In Plastic, you can configure hidden changes rules so you can avoid to submit changes in files.

    You can also keep the not necessary files as private in your workspace and add them to the ignore list to avoid submitting them by mistake.

    Does it help?



  6. Hi,

    I'm afraid there is not an easy workaround to configure a Plastic client via Unity ID in a Linux machine with no web browser.  You should be able to configure it via CLI, but just user and password.

    For the Unity ID authentiation, you may need to paste the configuration files from a Windows machine.

    I'm checking with the team if we can somehow support it soon an an easier way.



  7. Hi,

    The most natural way for the artists to work in Plastic if you don't want to use Xlinks is using Gluon GUI. They will be configuring the workspace to download the files they actually need and the rest of the project will be transparent to them. They normally use file locks so they don't need to worry about branching and merging. They can just focus on lock the file and checkin the changes keeping the workflow very simple.



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