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wyattetal last won the day on January 27 2020

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  1. Is there a command line call to determine the changeset of the xlinked repo within a workspace? If not, is there an API available for writing a tool to do so? Example: Repo Blue has an x-link to Repo Red. I create a workspace for Repo Blue, which pulls down the contents of Repo Red as well. I cd to a directory within Red's hierarchy and call "cm status" The result is cs:<CHANGESET OF BLUE>@Blue@ ... (head) What I want to query is the changeset of Red. (The repo xlinked by Blue)
  2. Thanks. Can you explain what changes result in the differing output? In other words, what should I do to a workspace order to force the alternate formats of cm status --nochanges?
  3. We recently discovered that the output of cm status is variable based on the state of the workspace. This affects windows batch scripted calls that parse the output for the changeset version. How do we call cm (or other command line tool) to get the current changeset in a consistent manner? First format example: cm status --nochanges ==> cs:1002@<REPO>@ssl://<PLASTIC SERVER>:8088 (head) Second Format example: cm status --nochanges /main/JIRA_TASK@<REPO>@ssl://<PLASTIC SERVER> (cs:1627 - head) Alternatively, what windows batch script code do you recommend to extract the changset number that will work for these and any other format variations? Thanks.
  4. I’ve figured out a verifiable method for associating JIRA with Plastic. Basically I use a text editor to display the true contents of the config file. I also save a copy of it in the good state so that I can quickly, and independent of the Plastic GUI, perform a replacement when it gets wiped out. Here is what I have done in more detail: jira.conf is located in C:\Users\<MY_USERNAME>\AppData\Local\plastic4\issuetrackers\ssl_\<OUR_SERVER>\allrepos • Open jira.conf in notepad++ … now any changes will be detected and the notepad++ gui. This way I am not dependent on the Plastic GUI to report how things are configured. All I need the plastic gui for is to enter info, most importantly my JIRA password. • Open Issue Trackers in Plastic. Dropdown set to JIRA but fields blank. Hit “Test Connection”, which fails. Hit OK. • Go back to notepad++, which shows that jira.conf has indeed been changed. (I have no idea why my jira.conf was in a similar state this morning, but I know it was *not* because I did as described above) • In Plastic Issue Trackers, do the following: Set issue tracker to Bugzilla (this is the critical "set to something other than JIRA" gymnastic from what I can see) o Set issue tracker to Bugzilla (this is the critical "set to something other than JIRA" gymnastic from what I can see) o Set issue tracker to JIRA o Enter my info, test connection, hit apply, hit ok. • Go back to notepad++, which reports that jira.conf has changed. The contents are now correct. (VERIFICATION STEP 1 of 2: jira.conf contains what we have entered). This is important because reentering Plastic Issue Trackers displays blank fields. • Go to branch explorer, try to create a branch. Pending tasks should be listed. (VERIFICATION STEP 2 of 2: pending tasks visible) • Place a copy of jira.conf on my desktop. Moving forward, the next time jira.conf gets reset to neutral, I will just copy paste the good one. Still no idea what is causing the file to be wiped out in the first place.
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