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Marc Audouy

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  1. one-off console command would do, conf file as well if it's easier to handle a more continuous process
  2. Personally I would like to be able to do a cutoff by date: basically nuke the history of everything older than a specific date. Ideally per sub folders as well, as we want to keep full history of code source file but not binaries and assets. But I guess as csets can affect many folders the simplest is probably "delete all csets before cs:xxxx" would do
  3. Same here, looks like an issue on the cloud side, the upload seems to finish but the confirmation does not.
  4. Hello, We have the same problem, we've been using Plastic Cloud for more than 2 years, and we love it, but the data size on the cloud is starting to pile up and as an indie studio the cost of storage is something we'd like to reduce. We work with Unreal Engine and we have a lot of content, textures or binaries for instance, that we want to keep in source control but do not really care about very old versions, and this stuff takes a lot of space. I do understand it's also part of your business model to sell storage, but I wouldn't mind paying more for the license if we had a way to control what's kept in the database.... Thanks.
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