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Everything posted by JoshKAttainment

  1. In the dialog "Edit an existing server connection profile", input box "Enter the name ..." it added the :10501 automatically. When I removed the :[port number] and connect, it finally gave an OK. Am able to see all my repos/branches again. Thanks Carlos! -Josh
  2. Thanks, that makes sense. In Windows Defender Firewall, I tried opening ports 10500, 10501 and 8086 as described in this page: https://plasticscmsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012428753-Can-t-reach-the-Plastic-SCM-Cloud-server Unfortunately I'm still seeing the same error message. Are there any ports I should be aware of? These are for TCP, right?
  3. Thanks for your reply. In client preferences, I tried these things: - General > Check credentials (success) - Connection Profiles > select the profile, Edit > Connect ("Can't connect to [useast4-00-cloud.plasticscm.com:10501] after 3000 ms. To increase the timeout set SocketConnectTimeoutMillisec in client.conf. Configure server.conf if the timeout happens during push/pull") - Configure your credentials > Check ("Can't connect to [useast4-00-cloud.plasticscm.com:10501] after 3000 ms. To increase the timeout set SocketConnectTimeoutMillisec in client.conf. Configure server.conf if the timeout happens during push/pull") - $cm lrep attainment@cloud (Error: Can't connect to [useast4-00-cloud.plasticscm.com:10501] after 3000 ms. To increase the timeout set SocketConnectTimeoutMillisec in client.conf. Configure server.conf if the timeout happens during push/pull)
  4. Hi! Our team uses PlasticSCM Cloud edition. I'm using the Windows version, Every time I attempt to view repositories, see pending changes, view branch explorer etc. I get this error: 'Can't connect to [useast4-00-cloud.plasticscm.com:10501] after 3016 ms. To increase the timeout set SocketConnectTimeoutMillisec in client.conf. Configure server.conf if the timeout happens during push/pull.' I've tried verifying that the ports are open and tried updating my client, but no luck. Is there a way we can increase timeout for our Cloud account? Any advice would be appreciated.
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