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Everything posted by Beom-Soo

  1. I have the same issue showing up as well. Is there any update on this?? I have "Check content (hash) when the file timestamp is modified to set it as "Changed"" toggled on . I'm on plastic SCM
  2. Just answering my own question here... Once I logged on a root user, the issue was resolved. I couldn't or didn't properly give all the access/permission the previous user id needed though I've followed various instructions on doing so...
  3. Hey, I've setup jenkins on a local mac and after doing the initial setup process and creating a job, it's now failing with these errors : The issue I have is, I don't know where clconfigureclient is (executing from terminal leads to command not found), however if i run macplastic --configure, it works and I setup everything but the same error keeps showing up on the jenkins job. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Hey, I've setup jenkins on a local mac and after doing the initial setup process and creating a job, it's now failing with these errors : 16:53:53 Running as SYSTEM 16:53:53 Building in workspace /Volumes/Samsung_T5/Plastic Projects/Cases_Jenkins 16:53:53 [Cases_Jenkins] $ /usr/local/bin/cm workspace list --format={wkname}#{path}#{wkid} 16:53:53 shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: Operation not permitted 16:53:53 Error: Plastic SCM client is not correctly configured for the current user: Client config file /var/root/.plastic4/client.conf not found. Please execute 'clconfigureclient' to perform a text mode configuration or 'macplastic --configure' for graphical mode. The issue I have is, I don't know where clconfigureclient is (executing from terminal leads to command not found), however if i run macplastic --configure, it works and I setup everything but the same error keeps showing up on the jenkins job. Any help would be appreciated.
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