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  1. We're not configuring an SSH Slave, or as a slave at all - does that matter? The work around is to not use a launch agent to start the Jenkins process, but rather use the Java Web Start command? Reading up on the "Java Web Start" command, it appears that that is only used if I'm setting up this Jenkins instance as a remote node (slave), which again I am not. Additionally, from my reading, the agent.jar file is generated by the Jenkins Master, when I go to set up a slave --> which again, isn't how we're running our Jenkins instance, so I don't think your "work around" is a work around for me.
  2. I'm running into this problem as well. I have a fresh installation of Jenkins, running on a Mac Mini (Big Sur, installed with home-brew) and am getting the same error message. Of note, I have added /Applications/PlasticSCM.app/Contents/MonoBundle to my PATH, and I also copied over the client.conf file to the client binaries folder. Interestingly enough, the "Check" button in the Manage Jenkins --> Configure System --> Plastic SCM actually validates and I get a success back. However, I still get an error when running a job with the plastic plugin. (same as mentioned above). Would love to get this figured out. Thanks!
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