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  1. Thank you for the fix, @calbzam Would you check this issue? I have commented some information. Thank you.
  2. Hello. First, thank you for fixing the issue with shelves freezing Rider UI (that I have reported in other thread) I also have been suffering from this issue, and I found some clues. This issue seems to happen mostly when Unity modifies or saves files automatically. (files like .mat, .controller etc.) And there seems to be something with PlasticSCM's line ending recognition. As you can see in the picture above, PSCM GUI client says the files are identical, but the PSCM Rider plugin says that 'Contents have differences only in line separators'. The PSCM Rider plugin recognized that the line endings changed from CRLF to LF, but the line endings are actually LF in both of the two revisions. I have double checked all revisions of the file, but the line endings have always been LF. In summary, 1) PSCM Rider plugin misrecognized the line endings of previous revision. 2) Some rules(and options with it) might be needed to decide whether two files are identical in case only line endings are changed. I hope this will help to solve the issue.
  3. Any update with that? I am suffering freezing Rider UI by PSCM(plugin). This happens when I editing specific files, and I found these files(changes) are from shelve. I have tried everything, but the freeze was only solved when I reverted the changes from shelve. You can find hint also in below link (comment from Rafał Polito) https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-54439 I have checked rider.log file and found something. https://jygames-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/wjeong_jygames_co_kr/EX_ov5q9yZlGqCLWnpZqog8BFB6SbzQ1TXhBgTZ5nY8hpQ?e=ovklMW FishWorldBase.cs Fish.cs Path.cs All these 3 files were causing rider to freeze, and they were all from shelve. You can find repeating 'Can't get annotations from VCS' warnings, and 'UI was frozen' over 30 seconds for these files. Would you check this please?
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