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  1. This is the number of options in plasticX when I right click on a repository These are the options in Legacy client. Note all the view options are gone. I use these in my workflow a lot administering all the repositories. I also made a ticket about the missing Create Workspace
  2. The option exists but it fails to create it. It will create it as a regular workspace. Functionality seems to be working correctly.
  3. Right now using the open or create workspace then go to repositories tab is a lot of steps.
  4. Hi @mdel I'm on 6307 and it looks like there is one? It took me a second to find it though. So it's perhaps confusing. I think we're all expecting a small X here.
  5. I'm going to second Xarbrough on lots of things Likes : Single tab style of working is great. Dislikes : Switch workspace is in a weird place. I had no problems with the previous location and functionality other than I wish it was always alphabetical sort vs MRU. Suggestion : Seems like the top bar is being use as information only. It'd be nice if these were also buttons to change branch / workspace. The information architect in me feel like Workspace -> server -> project -> branch is the more logical hierarchy to present this info. But I understand this is close to the objectspec. In which case a right click copy for me to paste into cm.exe would be useful.
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