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Everything posted by Sygan

  1. Hey I'm trying to set up PlasticSCM for a Debian based Jenkins docker. I was able to install PlasticSCM but when I run the cm configure and use the @cloud address as the Plastic SCM server address I get There was an error while checking the Plastic SCM server security mode. Maybe the server is offline, or the address specified is wrong. Is it a correct way of handling this. Also, how would I login to the account via the command line if the account is handled through Unity ID?
  2. Hey, That's not really fully correct. It was never officially supported but I've been using PlasticSCM on arch-based Jenkins docker in my build server machine. I did it with the help of this topic - My issue is that I cannot find the linux binaries for Plastic in downloads page anymore. Is there any way to get those binaries?
  3. This is an old topic but. I had to put the number 9 in order for the question above to work. Looking at the Release Notes I don't think it's a right answer.
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