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Everything posted by Pitou

  1. I also tryied to use variables like so: $TRIGGER_URL="webtrigger http://<raw_ipv4>:8080/buildByToken/build?job=<job_name>&token=SECRET" cm trigger create after-checkin CiNotifierWebTrigger $TRIGGER_URL --server=<my_server>@cloud --filter="br:/Development,rep:<my_repo>" But it has the same issue, as long as there is a question mark (?) in the url, the CLI shows the help instead add the trigger as I want (or an error)... Without the question mark, the CLI successfully add the webtrigger. Is it a bug in the CLI?
  2. Hi, I try to add an `after-checkin` trigger to start a build on a Jenkins server. The issue looks like that my URL contains a question mark, to put additionnal parameters (the build token). Here is the full command line I use on Windows powershell (doesn't work): cm trigger create after-checkin CiNotifierWebTrigger "webtrigger http://<raw ipv4>:8080/job/TestBuild/build?token=<jenkins_build_token>" --server=<my_cloud_server>@cloud --filter="br:/Development,rep:<my_rep_name>" This command doesn't create the trigger, and displays the usage help for cm trigger create (no error) If I remove the character ?, the trigger is successfully registered, but the url is not what I need. I tryied to use %3F instead of the question mark, but it didn't trigger on checkin. Tryied also to escape the question mark with `, but it also displays the usage help for cm trigger create. I'm out of idea on this...
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