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  1. @Wolfram Thank you so much for your detailed response. Your suggestion for having an empty Unity Project but only make a Plastic repo of the specific framework directory is perfect. I think that is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you again!
  2. Thank you both. @Wolfram With your setup using Unity packages, do you have 1 mono package that has "all the things"? Or are you breaking up your shared code into "modules" of sorts so that a project could bring in more granular code from the shared code base?(i.e. I only need character controller, so I just bring in that package) We are a very small part time indie studio so maybe I should stick with xlinks for now. One pain point I found in getting setup on xlinks was that I wanted my "core / shared" code to be an actual unity project so I could write Unit Tests on it and what not, but then with xlinks you must take the whole repo's base folder if you want a writable xlink. So it'd be importing a full unity project into my other unity project that is using the "core" codebase project. I ended up doing a read only xlink so that I could at least specify a specific shared code folder and not have to bring in the whole Unity Project. But now it will be a pain when I need to update the shared code project since it's a read only xlink.
  3. I've started writing a Unity project that has become sort of a "core" codebase that my team would like to use as a foundation for all future game projects we create. I've done various googe searches and have had a hard time understanding how Plastic's approach to this could work. I believe with something like Git, you can use "submodules" or packages in some fashion. In Plastic there are "x-links" but I haven't explored or understood how they work very well (when I google about them I see posts from a decade ago so it makes me wary). With all of that said, I'm looking for some advice in the context of how modern (2023) Plastic works for how I might approach having a base unity project that is brought into multiple other unity projects in the most effective way possible. Thanks in advance!
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