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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. We sync from PlastcSCM to 1 GIT Server (some months already now successfully) Today following happened Failed to collect changes, error: Error collecting changes for VCS repository '"Department Codereview FW Mirror to GIT" {instance id=22793, parent internal id=1897, parent id=FirmwareApg_FwQualitTsoffensive_Tools_DepartmentCodereviewFwMirrorToGit, description: "PlasticSCM: br:/main@Department.Firmware@apat-plasticscm.company.com:8087"}' Error getting new changesets from null to 6937 in branch '/main/Inbetriebnahme Elektronik 3a/refactorRotationEncoder/task001': The specified repository couldn't be found: Darwin.Intents. CommandResult 1, VCS root: "Department Codereview FW Mirror to GIT" {instance id=22793, parent internal id=1897, parent id=FirmwareApg_FwQualitTsoffensive_Tools_DepartmentCodereviewFwMirrorToGit, description: "PlasticSCM: br:/main@Department.Firmware@apat-plasticscm.company.com:8087" "Darwin.Intents" is another repository in our company, but not linked to my knowledge to this repo we want to sync. How can we continue to clean/fix that. Usually we've set up a new sync (new Build agent doing the sync, as it did not work on the old anymore) and a new GIT repo for that (to not duplicate items in plastic) BR andreas
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