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SWSBB last won the day on April 13 2023

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  1. hi @blue I posted this over at the new unity forum as well: https://forum.unity.com/threads/mergeinfo-not-populated-destination-changeset-rest-api.1421084/
  2. Hi @blue so I was trying to use the newly gained information, but sadly it isn't complete. The mergeInfo is only populated on the source changeset. I need it on the destination changeset. Some background: I have an after-checkin trigger that only has access to the destination changeset, so the mergeInfo is needed on this changeset as well. I have an example for you
  3. Hi @blue You're right! It's working 😃 Thank you ❤️ I used the URL for one specific changeset `.../changesets/12345?includeMergeInfo=true` There the mergeInfo still is not returned But I'm fine with the `changesets` endpoint right now
  4. Ok, just installed the latest release and the fix is not included =/
  5. @blue I've checked the latest release notes and it isn't there. Did it not make it into the latest release or did you just omit the change from the release notes?
  6. Maybe I posted in the wrong channel. Trying it here again...
  7. I'm trying to get merge info data via the REST API from our plasic server on windows. Version: The swagger UI of our local server clearly states that the changesets endpoint includes mergeInfo as a property on the result object. But when calling the endpoint via postman the result doesn't include a mergeInfo property. Swagger UI Actual result I've found that the online docs have more query parameters https://docs.plasticscm.com/restapi/plastic-scm-server-rest-api-guide#tag/Changesets/paths/~1api~1v1~1organizations~1{orgName}~1repos~1{repoName}~1changesets/get There includeMergeInfo is a param with default false. I tryed using this param but it didn't work with our local server eighter. Any help?
  8. @blue Is this still valid? We evaluate to migrate to cloud and this is a must have
  9. Not sure if popups for context menus and from comboboxes are displayed correctly on win11 - sorry, that's the old client. nvm.
  10. Pressing CTRL+A to select all files in Pending Changes causes an unexpected error
  11. In Pending Changes view: Unding the delete of a folder will add the restored files and folders as added. The originally deleted folder is still shown as deleted. A refresh of the view does fix that issue
  12. After applying a merge it would be nice to automatically switch to Pending Changes, I had this option enabled in the old client, too
  13. After switching branch in Branch Explorer the house icon is not shown on the switched to changeset. After a refresh it is displayed correctly EDIT: We do use a After-Update Trigger, that sometimes takes a little longer. Maybe this is relevant to this problem
  14. Deleting private items from Pending Changes view lists the file paths in the security prompt in the old client. The new client doesn't tell which files will be deleted Please add the file list to the Undo prompt as well
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