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Integration with apache ant and continuum


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Is there any possibility to integrate plastic with apache continuum?.

We are currently trying plastic in our developments just in our local machines, branching and colaborating between us. But at the end we upload the changes to our currently scm (sourround) to deploy the changes, which is done with apache continuum and ant.

So we'd like to change the deployment to download the source code from plastic instead of sourround, but so far I have not found any tip or way to do that. Is there any possibility or we would need to change our integration system?

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The ant gets the source code of the branch in this way:

It defines a task:

<taskdef name="SSCMGet" classname="com.seapine.surroundscm.ant.SSCMGet" classpath="${surround.support.lib}" />

And then it uses it to copy the files of each plugin in a directory (previously created):















Maybe I could try to change this by a command ms-dos line that recovers the code from a given branch in plastic and execute it with ant.

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Maybe I could try to change this by a command ms-dos line that recovers the code from a given branch in plastic and execute it with ant.

Yes, I think that's is the best and easiest solution, you know that you can use the "cm update --changeset=X" command to change your workspace to a given changeset number and also the "cm stb branchName" to perform an update operation to a given branch name.

If you have any question about how to script the action don't hesitate to contact us.

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I'll try that way. But bear in mind that this build currently runs in a server which downloads the code, compiles it and leaves de code ready to deploy. So it only needs to connect to the scm and recover the code, but it does not have the scm installed (actually it's installed only the plugin to recover the code).

If I have understood correctly, My ant should open the plastic client which I should have instal·led in the build server, point to a defined workspace and then change it to the desired one. Is there not another way to download the code of a certain branch or changeset of the plastic server in an empty local directory without worrying about sincronizing workspaces and so on?.

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Hi Alberto,

yes, you need to have a Plastic SCM workspace but the whole process is easier than your thoughts.

You don't have to be in change of syncing the source code or thinks like that, Plastic will be in charge of it when you decide to change the target build changeset. There will not be "thrash files" on your build area.

Of course all the operations can be done using the command line client "cm.exe".

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