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Database Prefix and File Names when migrating to MS SQL Server


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UPDATE: I see these issues have already been reported: http://www.plasticscm.net/index.php?/topic/1229-sql-server-configuration-and-setup-issues/?p=7332


Do you have a fix planned for these issues?


Thank you very much,







It appears that when I specify a Database Prefix such as SCM_TEST_ then click the Test Connection button then proceed, the SQL Server database files that are created have the prefix duplicated, (SCM_TEST_SCM_TEST_repositories and SCM_TEST_SCM_TEST_rep1 ).


Also, the physical database files are created with non-standard file extensions -- the SQL database data file extension should be MDF, not plastic, and the SQL database log file extension should be LDF, not plastic.log. Is there a way to configure this or have it fixed? Renaming the files after the fact is doable but I'd rather avoid having to do that. I am using build


Thank you, Mark


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