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Diff with Mercurial/TortoiseHg


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I have set up mercurial to use SemanticMerge for my diff and merge tool as per the instructions here: http://www.semanticmerge.com/documents/SemanticMerge-Mercurial.pdf .


I can merge files ok but if I try and "diff to parent" for a class (from TortoiseHg workbench) a SemanticMerge menu appears displaying merge and diff options. Using Process Explorer shows that no arguments were passed to SemanticMerge when it started.


I have consulted the documentation for extdiff here http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/ExtdiffExtension and I cannot see how SemanticMerge should be setup in the mercurial.ini.


I am using TortoiseHg 2.8.2, Mercurial 2.6.3 and SemanticMerge 0.9.34

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi smhillary,


Sorry for the inconveniences.


We have reviewed the guide available to configure semanticMerge with Mercurial and we found a mistake in the "mercurial.ini" file.

To properly configure it, we need replace the [extdiff] and [tortoisehg] sections as these:



cmd.semanticdiff = C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\Local\PlasticSCM4\semanticmerge\semanticmergetool.exe

opts.semanticdiff = -s=$parent -d=$child



vdiff = semanticdiff


Thanks for reporting! ;)


Best regards,


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I have the same issue (diffing a modified shows the launcher; haven't had a conflicting merge to try so far), but adding the missing "diff" suffix didn't work.

Here is my mercurial.ini (minus the sensitive info ;) :



ignorews = True
ignorewsamount = True
ignoreblanklines = True

eol = auto

ignorews = True
ignorewsamount = True
ignoreblanklines = True

postpull = update
tabwidth = 4

hgext.mq = 
hgext.purge = 
hgext.rebase = 

# Semantic Merge section
# http://www.semanticmerge.com/documents/SemanticMerge-Mercurial.pdf

extdiff =

cmd.semanticdiff = D:\Users\Benoit FOULETIER\AppData\Local\PlasticSCM4\semanticmerge\semanticmergetool.exe
opts.semanticdiff = -s=$parent -d=$child

semantic.executable = D:\Users\Benoit FOULETIER\AppData\Local\PlasticSCM4\semanticmerge\semanticmergetool.exe
semantic.args=-b=$base -s=$local -d=$other -r=$output -l=csharp

**.cs = semantic

vdiff = semanticdiff

merge = semantic

# end Semantic Merge section

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Hi benblo,


I checked my mercurial.ini after adding your configuration and it worked fine.


Please, could you check the TortoiseHg settings? In TortoiseHg Workbench > File > Settings, the global settings and the repository settings.

It should load the new configuration of the mercurial.ini.


Thanks in advance

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  • 2 months later...
Hi all,
We have improved the instructions to configure SemanticMerge with Mercurial, it is available here: http://www.semanticmerge.com/sm-guides/main.shtml#HowtoconfigurewithMercurial
For example, this is the mercurial configuration to launch the semanticmerge tool for csharp files and to set the kdiff3 tool as the default tool.
extdiff =

cmd.semanticdiff = C:\Users\mgomez.CODICE\AppData\Local\PlasticSCM4\semanticmerge\semanticmergetool.exe
opts.semanticdiff = -s=$parent -d=$child

semantic.executable = C:\Users\mgomez.CODICE\AppData\Local\PlasticSCM4\semanticmerge\semanticmergetool.exe
semantic.args=-b=$base -s=$other -d=$local -r=$output -l=csharp
kdiff3.executable = C:\Program Files\KDiff3\kdiff3.exe
kdiff3.args = $base $local $other -o $output

**.cs = semantic
**.** = kdiff3

**.cs = semanticdiff
**.** = kdiff3

vdiff = semanticdiff

username = Miryam <mgomez@codicesoftware.com>
merge = semantic
verbose = True


Best regards,


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  • 3 months later...

I'm currently trying to get SemanticMerge set up with diffs in mercurial. Here is my mercurial.ini file:


extdiff =
cmd.semanticdiff = C:\Users\elbryant.SRPCORP\AppData\Local\PlasticSCM4\semanticmerge\semanticmergetool.exe
opts.semanticdiff = -s=$parent -d=$child
semantic.executable = C:\Users\elbryant.SRPCORP\AppData\Local\PlasticSCM4\semanticmerge\semanticmergetool.exe
semantic.args=-b=$base -s=$other -d=$local -r=$output -l=csharp
kdiff3.executable = C:\Program Files\KDiff3\kdiff3.exe
kdiff3.args = $base $local $other -o $output
**.cs = semantic
**.** = kdiff3
**.cs = semanticdiff
**.** = kdiff3
vdiff = semanticdiff
username = Lee Bryant
merge = semantic
When I try to do a diff on a cs file, I get the following error: Duplicate argument -s
Is there something that I'm missing?
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