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Silent install


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Hi Carlos,


thank you for the reply.


if that is the only parameter to install the client silently how do I choose which components should be installed?

I don't want the server component installed and I would like the windows explorer shell extension.




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I've been reviewing this issue and since the bitrock invokes our client and server configuration wizards, the bitrock unattended workflow is not enough, we need to change our wizards to support the unattended mode.

What I can show you right now is the upgrade system that some of our biggest customers are using. We provide zip files with the client and the server installation. One zip per module.


* For new client installations:
The zip is decompressed and the binaries distributed along the machines using the scp or pscm tools. 
A basic client.conf is also distributed with the server, server port, and authentication mode pre-selected.


* For upgrading client installations: 
The zip is decompressed and the binaries distributed along the machines using the scp or pscm tools.

As the scp can be used in a parallel way one of our biggest customers can deploy to 1200 clients in less than 2 minutes


The zip installers can be found in the downloads page inside the "More installers" section. Here you can find the direct links: 




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