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Unable to change repository address of workspaces


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I have recently moved our Plastic SCM server to a different computer in our network, so its IP address changed. Then I reconfigured my Plastic SCM client to connect to the new server. When I started the client then, I had to wait for a longer period of time, because it could not load workspacess correctly as they were bound to a different server, which was no longer accessible. It's obvious, it's no error.


But later on I wanted to fix my local workspaces by binding them to the new address of the server, and I found it impossible. I ended up deleting the workspaces and creating them once again using the new address. What do you think about adding a workspace relocation feature to Plastic SCM client (if it is not already there - I might have missed it)?


What was much worse, however, was that I couldn't download the content of repositories that had xlinks pointing to the old server location. The workspace update process always failed completely, without downloading anything. The client didn't even show me repository tree, so I couldn't fix the xlinks in any way. It was a test repo, so I just deleted it, but if that was a production repository, I think I would be in great trouble.


Could you please verify both these issues? I know you rarely change server location, but sometimes it might be necessary.



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In a basic scenario (no Xlinks), you need to reconfigure client to connect to the new Plastic server IP. After that, you can open Plastic GUI -->repository --> right-click --> Switch to a changeset, and the workspace will be updated to the new location.

There is also a file in your workspace (wks/.plastic/plastic.selector) where you can check and reconfigure the workspace selector. After restarting the GUI, it will be updated to the new server location.


As you pointed, the Xlink case is a bit more complicated to edit workspace selector, but you don´t need to remove the repository. You can just create a new workspace, pointing to the same repository, and now it will work fine with the new selector information.




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  • 5 months later...

I have a similar issue now! we had to change the static IP for the Server, I reconfigured the client to connect to the new IP, and it's connected. 

However in the pending changes it's still trying to connect to the old IP! If I try to switch the work space to this branch. I get a message saying that there are pending changes. When I go to cancel or confirm the pending changes I get the message that it cannot connect to the old IP address. So I'm caught up in a loop. 

The same issue persists even when I try to change set the selector manually. 

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  • 1 year later...

Same issue here (nearly 2 years later!) Just changed the IP of the repository server and all workspaces are attempting to connect to old IP. This is using v5.4.16.717 of the Plastic Client.


The frustrating workaround is to manually modify the .selector file for each individual workspace to point to the new IP. The plastic.selector file is located in the workspace folder in ./plastic (this is a Windows client).



Noticed that this workaround was mentioned above, sorry. I dont believe this addresses "Pending Items" issues, however.

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After performing the workarounds mentioned to get the Plastic Client working, the Unity plugin is saying the "The Unity3D plugin is unlicensed in your Plastic SCM Server" which seems like it can't connect properly. So the plugin doesnt get updated on a workspace change?

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Hi Sirrus, that error is usually displayed when the Plastic SCM license is not having the Unity3D support enabled.


Can you email me (mlucio at codicesoftware dot com) your license file? I'll check it for you.


Unity 3D is not storing any Plastic SCM address information, everything is taken from the wks info.

Try the following, close Unity, switch your workspace to a different branch or changeset using Plastic GUI, switch back to the original changeset or branch and then open Unity and check if you can work.

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