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Developer can't "Push" newly created branch


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Hi, we have a developer that can't "Push" a newly created branch.


Initially we thought it was solely to do with some inconsistency with the existing branch, though we forked it to another branch and it still comes up with the same error.


On further investigation it appears that in the "Replication" screen, the "Replication destination" "Server" is displaying as my own computer hostname (CHRISTIAN-PC:0) rather than our cookie_blue@cloud server, which is where the actual destination is supposed to be (given we're using PlasticCloud).


This is becoming frustrating as we've now branched our code and one of our developers can't merge their changes back into other branches without my having to do it for him.


When we manually set the server to the correct replication destination it seems to start to work, then errors with a "red circle" instead of a "green circle", tells us there's errors, that when we go into the report of the errors, it doesn't actually say there are any.


What can we do to resolve this issue?


Many thanks and looking forward to hearing from you.







What can we do to resolve this issue?


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According to the error message, you are trying to run a merge in the cloud server and it's not supported. You will need to pull the branch to your local sever, then run the merge locally and finally push the merge result back to the cloud.


Branching and merging operations needs to be locally performed. You will be connecting to the cloud just to push/pull.


If you are experiencing any other error, please attach the log and we will debug it.





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  • 2 months later...


The merge operation is now supported for the Plastic SCM cloud repositories! :)

You don't need to adopt a distributed workflow if you don't want to, you can use the Plastic SCM server for all the operations.

But, notice than an on-premise/local server will perform better since you save a lot of network distance.


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