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Plastic Jira Integration Woes


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I’ve been trying to make Plastic work with Jira (both are in the cloud).  I have closely followed (done) the following:



I am trying to follow the JIRA - Multi-project configuration


Here is my configuration parameters:


Bind to Issue Tracking System: JIRA
Apply Binding to:            All Repositories
Host:     http:\\intertech.atlassian.net
User Name:       dclayton@intertech.us
Password:          ***
Branch Prefix:   JIRA
Project Key:        MULTIPLE_PROJECTS
Jira Custom field ID: 10200
Fields Mapping:              issue.Fields.Project.Name->Description|issue.Fields.Reporter.Name->Owner|issue.Fields.Description->Title
Rest URL:            /rest/api/2
Task URL:           /browse

Plastic Version:
Jira Version:      Latest cloud version (7.x)


When I test the connection to Jira I get a “connection successful” message box.


I then created an issue in Jira called AMS-2.

I then created a branch in plastic called JIRA_AMS-2

The Jira information does not show up in plastic in any of the places it is supposed to show up.


I have tried to bind only my local, named repository to JIRA and only the default repository, and all repositories, they all have the same result


Also, if I create a branch in Plastic “from task”  (JIRA task) I get the attached error.  (The error goes away if I select to “display tasks from all users”, but the list remains empty.:



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