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How do I ignore/exclude directories that have already been checked in?


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Recently installed on OS X w/ PostgreSQL backend.


I'm new to PlasticSCM but have been using git for some time.


I started a new Unity project, but mistakenly didn't configure the 'Library' directory to be ignored. So it, and all its contents, got checked in to the repo. Now, knowing that you're not supposed to do that, I'm trying to exclude it. In git, I would simply update the .gitignore file and it would all go away. I've tried making an ignore.conf in the project's root but nothing seems to happen.


I'm assuming that you can ignore/exclude files once they've been added to a project. It can't be a one-way street. Help is appreciated.


Also, I've noticed that I can't lock files exclusively either? Can this not be done through the GUI?


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"ignore.conf" file only affects files that are not under version control. You can ignore files that you have as "Private" in your workspace. This way they will not checked into your repository.


Once you have a file as controlled (commited to the repository), if you want to remove it from version control: Right click --> Delete --> don´t delete items on disk.  After that, your file will appear as private in your workspace and you will be able to add it to the ignore list.


Besides ignore list, Plastic also has a cloaked list. This list, allows you to skip downloading those cloaked files every time you switch the workspace to a different branch or do an update of the workspace.


You can find more information about ignore list and cloaked list here:  http://plasticscm.com/guides/gui/main.shtml


Plastic also allows exclusive locking. Please review this information: http://www.plasticscm.com/whats-new/checkout.aspx




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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

Long delay on this thread, but since I hit this today (for the second time in two days).  It would be useful for the pending changes delete to ALSO have the option - by default - of not removing files from disk.  It strikes me as pending changes is more likely the place you would spot this problem - eg a build output directory or cache or something acciddently added at some time, then you find the problem when files in it start changing...  Probably should log this in uservoice : I've put it there

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, Could you explain a bit more your workflow and why you need to perform this operation? You should be able to switch your workspace back to the previous branch/changeset you were working before. But there is not a specific "undo udpate" operation.



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Hi Carlos,


Thank you for the fast response. I suppose this should be posted in a new topic. Anyway, It seems that I've not committed all changes. Now, after I ran an update the Project is reverted to a state with duplicated files and I have ton of errorsbecause of files that I don't need and which I've deleted long time ago. Manually deleting the duplicated files would be a nightmare. I was wondering If there is any command I can run to resolve this issue. However, Luckily I made a backup of the whole project. But I think I still don't fully understand the concept of how to revert to a previous state in Plastic works. I'm switching from Plastic Gluon to the regular GUI, since it does have more options. Thanks!





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Hi, not sure if I proprerly understand. if you still have some pending to commit changes, the GUI (by default) doesn't allow you to run an update operation. If you run an update is because you don't have any pending to commit change and you can easily revert to the previous status by switching your workspace to the previous changeset.

In your scenario, if after running an update you got lots of not needed files, from the Branch explorer, you can switch to the changeset you were wokring before and this way your workspace will be reverted to the previous status.



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