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Corrupt Metadata Report when using "cm checkin . --forced --verbose"


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At work I'm trying to write a batch script to cd to the correct directory automatically, and then run "cm checkin ."

The distinct issue is that every time I call "cm checkin ." I get the following message: "The workspace <wkspace_path> metadata is corrupt. Please update the workspace." The problem persists after attempting to call "cm update ." (along with varied arguments such as "--forced"). However the GUI works fine. The repository itself is just shy of 30 GB in size, and is kept in c:\Program Files\<rest_of_path> if that information is relevant. Additionally, the plastic wktree file is approximately 12 MB in size (again, if relevant).

Guidance would be massively appreciated.

Thank you!

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Helo Ken,

for some reason the CLI is having issues with your workspace metadata files. I do recommend you to do the following:

1) Commit all your pending changes.

2) Remove the workpace -> cm rmwk c:\path\to\YourWks

3) Re-create the workspace, you can use the GUI for this or the "cm mkwk wkname wkpath --repository=repo" command.

4) Update your workspace to the branch where you were working.

With the step #2 you'll remove the metadata files ("c:\path\to\YourWks\.plastic").

Then the #3 will partially recreate them and the step #4 will fully recreate it.

Tell me if it works.

Sorry for the inconveniences.


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