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Jenkins Plug-in Problem

Gi-hong Kim

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This is Gihong Kim


I have a problem with plastic scm jenkins plug-in

i maked source update job with plug-in



rep "repo1@abc.com:8087"
  path "/"
    smartbranch "/main"



But, I pressed build button, the job has shown me some error


Enter credentials to connect to server [abc.com:8087]
User: Password: Enter credentials to connect to server [abc.com:8087]
User: Password: Enter credentials to connect to server [abc.com:8087]
User: Password: Error: Cannot read keys when either application does not have a console or when console input has been redirected from a file. Try Console.Read.
FATAL: Executable returned an unexpected result code [1]
ERROR: null
Finished: FAILURE



At Local PC, Every PSCM's functions work well ( make workspace, switch ...) but jenkins NOT...


I will waiting your solution.



Gihong Kim




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Hi Gi-hong Kim,


Your problem is caused by an unconfigured client. You need to keep in mind that every user needs a valid client.conf to retrieve the default server and credentials. The user you had logged in to try the Plastic SCM commands had it already set up at 'C:\Users\{user_name}\AppData\Local\plastic4\client.conf', but the Jenkins user (most likely 'SYSTEM') hadn't. Therefore, copying your user's client.conf to SYSTEM's AppData path (C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\plastic4\client.conf) caused the Jenkins user to detect its specific configuration.

This could have been achieved by copying your local client.conf file to the client directory at C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client, or the directory you chose during installation.

I'm glad to know you were able to solve the problem!




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Just a hint which have just come to my mind :)

Possible improvement for Jenkins plugin could be to have some configuration section in "Manage Jenkins"...

This configuration could detect presense of conf file in path for jenkins user conext.

SImpler option - just display kind of warning with info that client configuration is missing and some hints how to create them manualu

Advanced option - parse content of the file and display setting directly in Jenkins with the ability to change them and put back to xml automaticaly by plugin.

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Hi Misieq,

Thank you for your suggestion! It really seems like an interesting addition to the plugin. I encourage you to add it to our UserVoice website if you'd like to see it implemented in the future depending on what traction it can get: https://plasticscm.uservoice.com/forums/15467-general

Additionally, please keep in mind that our Jenkins Plugin is open-source and available for everyone to modify and enhance, so maybe you could add the functionality as you'd like it yourself!


Thanks for your feedback :-)



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