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The settings you introduced don't match the stored ones for branch/repo


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I'm trying to sync a Plastic repo with a Git repo. Keep getting this error:

The settings you introduced don't match the stored ones for branch/repo

Where are the settings stored? Why are you showing this error at all? A popup before Plastic is asking me to enter the Git repo url just to tell me after hitting apply that the URL is not the stored one. ?

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Every time you sync with git the sync settings and data are stored in the client directory. 

To completely delete all sync information about a previous git sync, first find out the repository GUID by running
cm lrep --format="{repid}->{repname}->{repguid}"

You'll get something like this:

Find out your repo and copy the GUID. Now go to C:\Users<your-user>\AppData\Local\plastic4\sync\git (Windows) or $HOME/.plastic4/sync/git (linux) and delete the directory named after the repository GUID.

Please have in mind that this will remove all mappings between Plastic SCM changesets and Git commit SHAs. It means that syncing against another git repo will probably create duplicate changesets in Plastic; however, if you just want to push your Plastic SCM repo to an empty Git repo, you'll be fine. All Plastic SCM data will be pushed into the git repo and the sync mapping will be created according to the new operation.

Best regards,


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