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Get cm output in trigger


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I'm trying to implement a before-checkin trigger that is supposed to check for branch attributes. I've done all the powershell scripting. There are some cm commands I need to perform (e.g. get branch object ID and get all attributes for that branch). Everything seems to work. However, when running the script in before-checkin context by the server the script doesn't seem to work.

So I stripped all the stuff down to the problem that I'm not able to catch any output from cm commands. As an example I wrote this before-checkin trigger (Powershell):

$result = cm lrep
Write-Host $result
exit 1

I installed the trigger using this command:

cm mktr before-checkin lrepAndFail "powershell c:\PSCMTrigger\lrepAndFail.ps1"


When performing the checkin operartion, the checkin fails (as expcected) but shows this message only:


The trigger before-checkin [lrepAndFail] failed.

When running locally I see the list of repositories (only one) in the powershell so I'm expecting the message box to show this as well. I also wrote the $result into a local file which turned out to be empty when running in server trigger execution and with the expected result when running manually.

Then I tried to eliminate powershell as source of error and created a trigger using simple cmd shell:

cm ltr
exit 1

and also

cm ltr | echo
exit 1

I am not able to see the list of triggers in the resulting message box.

Hence, I am really wondering how anyone is able to implement any trigger that is a bit more complicated than checking appropriate comment syntax.
Keep in mind, that I actually want to get the branch object ID from cm command during my script. These scripts are just for testing and don't have any meaning in terms of a use case I want to implement.
I'm using Plastic SCM on Windows 10. Tests are performed on localhost installation (single user Enterprise Edition).

Best regards

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Hi Jan,

I've just created your same trigger and the repo list is appearing in the GUI panel when trying to perform the checkin. Is this the expected result, right?

Do you have a "cm" properly configured in your server machine so it can run the "cm" commands?




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