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cm fileinfo taking waaay too much time

Kris G

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We have a very large gluon DB, when our artist tool saves a file we run 

cm fileinfo --fields=Status
to determine if the file is Checked Out by self, and sometimes that will take a very long time (30+ seconds)
Subsequent runs of the same cmd will be faster.
Any ideas why we might see this behavior?

if the first cmd succeeds and the file is not checked-out locally, we run 
cm fileinfo --fields=IsLocked,LockedBy
to see if it's locked by someone else,

should this be combined with the first instance into 1 command, or is IsLocked an expensive operation?

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Hi Kris,

To achieve the same results, I'd go with these two commands that will probably improve your process performance.

First of all, to find out if a file is checked out you can run

cm status --checkout path/to/saved/file --short


That command will print out the file path if it's checked out, or will return without any output if it's not.

Then, if the file isn't checked out, you can list the file locks using

cm listlocks

and then search the saved file path in the results.


Could you please try those out and let us know the results?

Thank you!




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