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Full checkout from server


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I have been looking all over for this and can't find it. But what if i want to completely start over from a certain changeset. As in, delete the folder and checkout the entire project from the server.


The problem is, if i delete the folder, the workspace/repo cannot be found again in the Plastic gui.


In short, i basically want to do the equivalent of a git clone from the server, but then the Plastic way :P


Any help is greatly appreciated ^^

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I think what you want to do is just switch your workspace contents to the changeset you want. Unless I'm misunderstanding?


You can do that by going to the Branch Explorer, right-clicking on the changeset, and selecting 'switch workspace to this changeset'. If you have any pending changes you will have to discard those, but once the update is done your workspace folder should only contain the files from the changeset you want.


- Josh

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The workspace is just a representation of a repository picture.


Switching your workspace to the desired changeset will bring you the changes and status of that certain changeset. You can even delete the changesets you don't want to have in your repository to clear the history.


You don't need to delete your workspace :P

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I think you are still misunderstanding me :P


I have my local working folder

I checkin this folder to the server

I screw up my LOCAL folder

Because of this, I delete the LOCAL folder

Now i want to pull the entire project from the server, back to a local folder


BUT, when i delete the local folder, i cannot find the project on the server. It's just gone.


In git terms, this would be

Delete local folder

Clone from repository (github or whatever)

Continue working

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Did you delete the entire workspace directory?


In that case:

mkdir myWks
cd myWks
cm mkwk myWksName .
cm update .

That will point you to the latest content of the main branch of the default repository. If you desire a different repository instead the "cm update ." you can:

cm stb br:/main@YourRepoName@server:port
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The project itself was a Unity project (but the same applies to some test cases outside of unity)

Did a big refactor that went wrong. So i deleted the entire Unity project folder and i wanted to checkout the one from the server.


I made a quick representation of it: http://prntscr.com/2pzxlo


In this case, Project 1 is checked into the server. It's this folder i completely delete from my local disk and want to retrieve from the server (preferably using the gui)


I tried what you suggested, but i only receive the message "this is not a workspace"


Side note: i appreciate the help ^^

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Ok, if you want to do it using the GUI perform the following:


1) Open the GUI :)

2) Open the workspaces panel

3) Create a new one, create first the "Project1" directory if it doesn't exist. Select the repository you are working with.

4) Right click the brand new workspace ans make it the active one.

5) Use the branch explorer to switch your workspace to the desired branch.

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Now i get it :P


Plastic is quite different from git and TFS (the 2 source controls i worked with the most).

The workspace/repo relation was a bit awkward to me, but now i have some better understanding of it :P


Workspace = local git repository

Repository = remote git repository


Sort of :P


Thanks for the assistance ^^

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