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Plastic Sync -> GitSync trigger for an individual repo?

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I've been reading up on Triggers but I'm not sure I'll be able to achieve my goal.

What I would like to do is, after a sync operation completes (on the destination server), for a single repo (not all the repos), I would like that server to then perform a subsequent GitSync from that repo into Azure DevOps.

Does anyone know how to set this up, or if it is even feasible.

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There is an "after-replciationwrite" trigger you may use in this scenario:


You can include the gitsync command in this trigger. The trigger will be asynchronous so the push is not locked until the gitsync is finished.



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  • 3 weeks later...

So is there no way to trigger after a sync is complete? Won't the after-replicationwrite trigger go off on every replicated branch no matter the repo being replicated (possibly firing multiple times)? I was really hoping to limit the gitsync to only firing after a sync is complete on a specific repo.

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So I did some confirmation testing, and it looks like it will fire multiple times... I might be able to write a script to fire a gitsync after one or more replicationwrites are detected on the repo (which I would extract from the PLASTIC_BRANCH environment variable), but only after a period of inactivity. Which would hopefully be enough to indicate that the complete sync is finished.

What are the chances we could get a new triggers for before-sync and after-sync added into Plastic SCM? Is this a feasible trigger?

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As you comment, the goal is to use the environment variables to use the "PLASTIC_BRANCH" and "PLASTIC_REPLICATION_SOURCE"  to select the repo and branch where you want to run the triggers.

It will fire every time you replicate a branch. Isn't it the expected behavior? If you are replicating multiple branches, you could get them in your trigger script and only run the GitSync when the last branch is replicated.



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