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Partial update on Xlinks


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Hi there,

I want to only 'cm partial update' on part of a larger workspace (to isolate projects, and save on server space), but I've noticed that my Xlinks are not updating to their latest changeset unless I run a complete 'cm update' on the whole workspace.

I'm sure there is some reason for the difference in behaviour, but am I able to achieve the same thing with cm partial and some flags (that I cannot find/work out) or am I attempting the impossible?


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Hi Fleer,

- Note that the partial workspace structure is very different from a regular workspace so I don't recommend you to use "cm partial update" and "cm update" in the same workspace.

If you want to use Gluon and Plastic GUI, please use independent workspaces for that purpose.

- I'm running the following test:

1. I create some new changes inside an Xlink from my regular workspace.

2. In a different Gluon workspace I run "cm partial update MyXlink" and the new file revisions properly downloaded.

Could you let us know the specific steps you are following? Also, remember if you directly create some new changeset in a Xlinked repo, the parent repo won't be automatically pointing to the last. You will need to manually edit the Xlink to point to this new changeset. But this behavior is the same doesn't matter if you are using a partial or regular workspace.



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Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I might have to restructure how I do things, but currently I am using something like this.

  • projects
    • project1 (Xlink A)
      • Unity (Xlink B )
    • project2 (Xlink C)
      • Unity (Xlink D)
  1. I push new code to Xlink B or D from an overall, local, projects workspace through the GUI (let's say moving it from Changeset 1 to 2)
  2. I then run the following code in a projects workspace on a build server
    cm partial configure +/project1/Unity --ignorefailed
    cm partial update /project1/*

  3. And the Unity Xlink has remained at Changeset 1

I understand it may be easier for me to restructure so that I have individual workspaces for each Unity repo, and then run full updates on those (maybe?), however I'd still appreciate some guidance as to why the above fails to work or some other suggestions.


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If you create new changesets in the Xlinked repo, you will need to manually edit the Xlink target changeset to the last one before running the update.

You don't have to run a "cm partial update" if you are using a regular workspace. You just need to edit the Xlink target and finally run a "cm update".

If you want the Xlink target changeset to be automatically updated to the last, you can edit the library directly from the parent repository. This way, you won't need to manually update the Xlink target.

In the following blog post, we explain how you can share a library (xlinked repo) between different projects. It may be useful in your environment:




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Hi Carlos,

Just to clarify, I wasn't creating a new changeset in the Xlinked repo, I was editing it directly from the parent (projects) repo. And the changes were not being picked up in the parent (projects) workspace on different machine when using the partial update code above.



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I'm afraid I cannot reproduce this issue. If I create new changes under a specific Xlink (from the parent repo),  then from a  different Gluon workspace I can update the new content via "cm partial update" command. If you reach us at support@codicesoftware.com, we can arrange a meeting and review it with you.



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