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Merging when using cloaked.conf


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We have different merge behaviour when using a cloaked.conf file.

Normally when submitting changes with no conflicts the merge is automatic and works great.

When using a cloaked.conf we always get a manual merge dialog even when there isn't any conflicting files, we also end up with a fat branch.

Why is this happening? what is the fix?




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I'm afraid the update-merge operation is not available if using cloaked rules:

"Update-merge" is described as follows:

If changes in the range [12-16] do not collide with the changes the developer made based on "11", then Plastic is able to do the following: it will download the new changes (not setting them as checked-out) and will effectively make the "checkouts on the workspace" depend on cset "16" instead of "11":
It is important to highlight that this will only happen if the changes in [12-16] DO NOT collide with the changes the developer made based on "11", otherwise a regular merge will be launched.

Now: there's a caveat to this behavior -> we do not let the update-merge run if there are cloaked rules in the workspace.

We added a stronger restriction on release BL578.

So, from BL578 update-merge doesn't work if there are cloaked rules in the workspace.



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