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Do I need java to run SemanticMerge?

Mikael Asplund

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Do I seriously need to buy a java license to use this tool, or is there a way to disable java support and get it running without java installed? I have no java, or java based languages in my environment or code, but it's asking me to install java as soon as I try to run a git merge. Oddly, this seems to have very little mention in any help, etc. I can't seem to find anything when googling. 😞

Semanticmerge isn't written in java, is it? 😱

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi again,

The C++ parser is very complex and it uses some Eclipse libraries. That's the reason why you need java installed. There is still a free java version, right? Open jdk.

I mean why you discard Semantic Merge just because you need to install java for the C++ parser?



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