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Startup problems on Mac


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I just downloaded Plastic (Mac version), for evaluation and am having some difficulties getting started. Here's what I've got...

1. Downloaded and unzipped the installation

2. Ran the installation program and checked the options to go through all the setup steps.

3. The server configuration wizard started. Accepted all default values. Server name="Captain-Beefheart.local" port 8084

3. A dialog saying the server was starting popped up, sat for a few seconds then closed.

4. The client configuration wizard started. It didn't automatically show the default name of my server so I changed it to the above value.

5. Got the "Installation Complete" dialog.

6. Tried to start the Plastic GUI. Get error message saying something like "hostNameOrAddress cannot be null".

7. On your "QuickStart" page, I notice you have some example cli commands. I uninstalled and reinstalled everything. but this time use "localhost" as the name in the client config wizard.

8. Now I am able to execute "cm mkrep Captain-Beefheart.local:8084 Group"

9. But try to execute "cm mkwk CapeMay ." and get the "Argment cannot be null" message.

I know I will really like Plastic but getting a little frustrated. Any help will be appreciated!



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Hi Leeta,

It seems something is wrong with the installation (maybe our problem doing the install process on Mac).

Let's do some command line diagnosing to figure out what's wrong, ok?

Open up a shell window (as your regular user, not root) and type:

cm lrep

This command will show the list of available repositories or will raise an error if something is wrongly set

IF you get an error (something like there's no server defined or similar) then it could be that the client has been configured for the root user but not for yours (ugly installation error that we should track). If that's the case type (again as your user):

plastic --configure

and go through the steps to set up your client.

Let me know if it works.


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Running the command "plastic --configure" from the command line and going through the dialog seems to have worked.

Prior to rerunning the configuration, and typing the command as you specify, I saw this:

Captain-Beefheart:Group Cape May rlf$ cm lrep

Error: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: hostNameOrAddress

However, typing this:

Captain-Beefheart:Group Cape May rlf$ cm lrep localhost:8084

1 default localhost:8084

3 Group localhost:8084

you can see that I get a different result. I had been able to create the repository "Group" with the command

Captain-Beefheart:Group Cape May rlf$ cm mkrep Captain-Beefheart.local:8084 Group

Anyway, it looks like the first time running the configuration program from the installation dialog, some link was not properly set so that a configuration file could not be found, or maybe there is a default that was found instead.

I am able to add files etc, now and the GUI client starts up fine.

Thanks for your help, Pablo. I'll let you know if I find anything else interesting.

(btw, I've been watching your progress for a few years and am so happy you've got it running under Mono now. Very cool!)

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Great Bob!

We'll review the install process on Mac to find why it is behaving this way.

Did you run the installer with sudo?? Maybe that's the issue because AFAIK the installer itself should take care of it.

Thanks for using the Community Edition and yes, Mono is big for us!!

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No, I didn't run the configuration programs with sudo at any point. I let the installation program kick them off when I first used them. And didn't use it either when running from the command line.

In fact, something I didn't mention was that the VERY first time I ran the installation, the config programs failed because they didn't have write access to the /Applications/PlasticSCM/server directory. I fixed that manually. After uninstalling and reinstalling I didn't have that issue anymore.

I'm guessing the installer runs with sudo since I get the request for the system password when I run it.

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