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Just to clarify, the Unity plugin is only available with a Team license?


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I am currently evaluating PlasticSCM as an option to switch from Git with GitHub.  I am a team of one, mostly puttering around on my own projects that often never get finished so I don't want to spend more money on source control than I have to.  I currently pay $5 a month for 50GB on GitHub.  I was looking at the free personal edition of Plastic along with 15gb of cloud for $4.95 which would give me less space, but is probably enough.

However, if I am reading the comparison correct, this would NOT give me access to the plugin inside Unity right?  It looks like to do that I would need a team license, plus additional cloud storage (because I don't think 5gb is enough) so $6.95+$4.95 or basically $7 a month more to have the Unity plugin?

How well does Plastic work with Unity projects (and the intricacies of them) without the plugin?  Already after just a day of setting things up in Plastic I have run into concerns and issues that make it look like Plastic isn't handling the project properly on its own, so I am wondering if the plugin is a requirement to using Unity properly.

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Hi jwvanderbeck,

we built a game (15 people over 24 months) using Plastic SCM and Unity, without using the Unity plugin at all. We were happy building the game that way.

To me, the big differentiator is that the Unity plugin provides a workflow where you check out / edit / check in files all from within the Unity editor. If you work without the plugin, you will do all those options either via the Plastic SCM GUI or via Gluon. If you use the Plastic SCM / Gluon GUI then you can work without explicit checkout - you can configure the Plastic SCM client to scan the harddrive for changed files (like Git does, when you have modified files locally but not yet staged anything). We preferred working this way.

The team needed more training to use the Plastic SCM client effectively, but it allowed us to work better when the team grew in size. We used branching & merging a lot, both for code & content.


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I don't mind using the separate Plast SCM GUI as long as everything works properly with a Unity project.  My main concern was that the plugin might have additional things that are designed to specifically handle the complexities of a Unity project such as the meta files, or prefabs, scene files, etc.

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  • 2 months later...

I was interested as well in the answer to the original question. When I activated a new personal license, it shows 'Team License' in the 'About Unity' section, which (I think) is what Unity is calling the 'Legacy Team License'. And therefore the Plastic SCM Unity plugin works fine.

So the answer is: yes, but every version of Unity now includes that team license.

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