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short question: Is GitServer enabled with the Cloud edition


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4 hours ago, jwvanderbeck said:

Obviously you will want an official response, but what I believe to be the case as an existing Cloud subscriber, is Cloud has GitSync but not GitServer.

Thank you for your reply. It makes sense, even If I would prefer GitServer was available. I've played a bit with GitSync and I thought that DevOps integration could be easier and more powerful if plugged over GitServer

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No doubt.  Really integrations is the big thing I feel I lose out on when moving to Plastic and Cloud specifically.  GitSync fills SOME of that gap.  For example, I can sync to a GitLab project which is then picked up by Unity Cloud Build, but it takes that extra step.

On the other hand, that step is deliberate which can sometimes be preferred.  For example, now UCB only builds when I explicitly do a sync to GitLab rather than after every small commit I make, so I feel more free to commit more often and then just sync when I want to kick off a build.

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We have plans to perform big changes in our cloud infraestructure and it should lead to a GitServer support for the cloud repos but I don't think it will happen in the near future.

For now, I'm afraid you will need to use an o-premises server to use the GitServer feature.

Sorry for the inconveniences,


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We are working on adding new features to Plastic Cloud in 2022. Mergebots for the cloud should be available in the first hald of the year and later some other features will be considered.

I'm afraid I don't have a more specific ETA for GitServer in the cloud.



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4 minutes ago, calbzam said:


I'm afraid GitServer for the cloud won't be available in the near future.



Okay, good to know.

Do you have any suggestions of how to integrate with tools (i.e. we're currently trying to us Azure DevOps Pipelines) which support Git but not Plastic?




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