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Plastic SCM Cloud and Teamcity


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I am trying to get PlasticSCM and Teamcity up and running.

The problem seems to be the user rights to the command line tool cm.

If I understand it right the user of the teamcity service should be the same as one of the cloud users.

Cloud users need to have a valid mailadress as a username (e.g. user@domain.com). For local users on the teamcity build server I am only allowed to use usernames without "@".

How to proceed. Can you explain in detail how to setup PlasticSCM Cloud with Teamcity?



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You just need to use your organization address instead of a adress:port string, something like this to refer your cloud server: Organization@cloud

Notice that if you have the cloud encryption enabled you'll need to somehow install the encryption key. One of the easiest way is (at the TeamCity machine) opening the GUI and creating a workspace pointing to the cloud repository and run an update, you will be requested to enter the encryption password and a "cryptedservers.conf" file will be created in your "client" folder. 

The Plastic SCM plugin for Teamcity, internally uses the Plastic client installed in the TeamCity machine. You need to configure this client with a valid Plastic cloud user that is able to access to your repos. You can use a local system user to run the TeamCity server.

NOTE: In your TeamCity machine, please copy the "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plastic4\client.conf" file to the client binaries folder "/opt/plasticscm5/client". This way, doesn't matter the local user who runs the TeamCity server, it will be able to read the client configuration.



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Hi, thanks a lot.

This was the hint I was missing: "NOTE: In your TeamCity machine, please copy the "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plastic4\client.conf" file to the client binaries folder "/opt/plasticscm5/client". This way, doesn't matter the local user who runs the TeamCity server, it will be able to read the client configuration."

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