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Automatically check-in hidden files


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We are working on a project where some files are being automatically updated when users are working. This leads to have dozen of files appearing in our pending changes list and conflicts warning when merging. Because those files are serialized in a very simple way (to ease the merge) most of the time it just requires to let the merge tool do its job. The problem is that people don't want to deal with those files every time but we still need them to be updated. 

To sum things up, what we would like is to hide files in the change list bu still check them in when users changed them automatically (like if the "check in" button was bound to a "cm ci . --all" command) . Is there any solution for this ?

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First of all, I'm sorry for the late reply, I totally miss the thread.

Regarding the request, I guess having those files not showing in the pending changes view until the moment you want to check them in is not an option, right? Because having your users select the option to show the hidden files in the pending changes view right before checking everything in could be a way to go:


I'm afraid using the CLI is not possible, as you would need to remove the files from the hidden changes list before checking them in, and then re-add them. 

However, I'll share it with the team just in case.





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Having to enable manually the "Show Hidden Files" toggle is indeed not a option since most of users don't know (and don't want to know)  what those files are about and when they need to be sent to the server.

We worked on an external tools which does the trick by calling this batch file. like so

## externaltools.conf

changeset:branch | Quick Checkin | "C:\Dev\checkinall.bat" | @wkpath
## checkinall.bat

@echo off
cd %1
echo "This process is about to send all your local changes to the Plastic server."
set /P comment=Please enter a comment :

cm status --compact --short --private | cm add -
cm status --compact --short --localdeleted | cm remove -
cm status --compact --short --changed --hiddenchanged | cm checkout -
cm ci --all -c "%comment%"

set /P ret="Press enter to exit."

The script needs some additional work but you get the Idea. It appears that checking out hidden files allows us to check them in without having to modify the hidden.conf which is great. However, if you have a better way to replicate this behaviour, we'll be very interested.

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Yes, running this command would be enough to check-in all the hidden changes, but it wouldn't allow you to review them if needed:

cm status --hiddenchanged --short --compact | cm co - && cm ci

cm status --hiddenchanged --short --compact | cm co - && cm ci

So, your script should work without issues. 

What else are you missing in your script? Anything I can help you with?




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