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Newtonsoft.Json.Net20 in Plugin /Editor is a problem


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Hi, you have Newtonsoft.Json.Net20 in your Editor directory for the plugin. The issue is that since it is in the Editor directory it will not be included in builds and if I have another Newtonsoft Json dll in the project it causes errors. If I delete your dll and rely on NewtonSoft Json in the package manager then the plugin won't run and complains about missing Newtonsoft.Json.Net20. This is a big problem since I need Newtonsoft Json in my builds.

Suggestion: this needs to be in the package manager instead of the asset store. Then it can have the Newtonsoft Json in the package manager as a dependency in either /editor or runtime.

Alternatively, just move your Json dll out of the editor namespace and we can at least get by with it alone and not the Newtonsoft Json in the package manager (though that's the better practice for handling such things). This means it'll get superfluously included in builds for everyone but that seems a better hack.

Another alternative: do not have a file system hard link to Json dll. Again, if it just looks for it anywhere accessible in Unity then instead of a specific file in a specific location we can work around it.

Another alternative: namespace your json so it doesn't leak out into the whole project.

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Hi, thanks for reporting. We are already aware of this problem:


Suggestion: this needs to be in the package manager instead of the asset store. Then it can have the Newtonsoft Json in the package manager as a dependency in either /editor or runtime.

We are going thorugh this path. Hopefully it's ready very soon.

Renaming the duplicated dll is not a temporary workaround for you? We have a customer doing it while we are fixing the problem.

image (6).png



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