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How to Switch Gitsync to SSH Protocol


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I've been gitsyncing with the https+username+password or some time. Due to https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/ I need to change this pretty soon to ssh. I see that SSH support was added late last year, but it isn't clear how to switch to using it.  I'm on plastic version I have my ssh setup properly to clone from my git repository (I have always used ssh protocol via cmd.exe for my github repos). When I attempt to switch to the ssh url in the UI I hit this:

Should I do as the prompt says and delete the mapping manually? Maybe I need to update the client/server? Don't want to do the wrong thing when it comes to anything gitsync 😉



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The problem is once you have defined a git repo to sync (eg: via https) you cannot change it. The mappings are generated for a specific repo.

One thing we could try is manually changing the destination repo in the


Anyway, we need to be careful when manually editing the configuration files because it's not supposed to be manually changed.

Probably the easiest solution is creating a clean new repo and syncing it with git from scratch using ssh.



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  • 1 year later...


Regarding Gitsync with ssh support, please check our detailed release notes. Please try via command line instead of GUI:

[Release notes]
GitSync: Added support to sync with Git repositories

 using SSH protocol. **Important note**: To use this
 feature you must have an SSH command line client
 (openssh or a clone) in your PATH environment variable
 and properly configured. Check "SSH client
 configuration" note for more info.



  • You should have the command line SSH client "ssh" in
  your PATH environment variable.


  • Copy your private key (usually a file called "id_rsa")
  to your ssh config dir. It should be the ".ssh"
  dir under your user home directory.
    • If you are under windows, you need to set the
   environment variable "HOME", with the path to your
   user directory (e.g., C:/Users/myuser).


    • If you are under linux, do not forget to set proper
   permissions to the private key:
        $ chmod 600 /home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa


  • Use the Gitsync in the same way as you normally do
  with http protocol (using plastic GUI or CLI), but
  specifying the SSH clone URL. e.g.:
        $ cm sync rep2 git git@bitbucket.org:myuser/myrepo.git


    • If the private key is protected by a passphrase, you
   will be requested to write it.



  • Problem: The ssh server is not in port 22, or I need
  to use different private keys for different servers.


    • Solution: You can create a "config" files under your
   ".ssh" directory specifying different settings for
   differents server. This is an example of ssh "config"

Host gitolite.elegosoft.com
User gitolite
Port 2222
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Host github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_key
Host bitbucket.org
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

  • Problem: I get "An error occurred while connecting to Git".
    • Solution: It might be an error in the configuration of
   the ssh client. You can try gitsync using the command
   line in the following way to get more info:
        $ cm sync rep2 git git@bitbucket.org:myuser/myrepo.git

[/Release notes]

Best regards,

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