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[Announcement] PlasticSCM WebUI v2

Neha Khalwadekar

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Hello everyone!

On behalf of the Plastic SCM WebUI team, I’m extremely delighted to announce that WebUI 2.0 Alpha has successfully launched!

This milestone brings us one step closer to transforming Plastic SCM and Unity. With all the new feature updates, new design systems and catered workflows - we aim for our users to collaborate seamlessly any time, anywhere, and on any device.

To access WebUI simply navigate to a web browser and type https://www.plasticscm.com/orgs/<your-org-name> (replace your-org-name with your Plastic organization)

Note: Encrypted organizations are currently not supported. If you have an encrypted organization, you will not be able to access WebUI as the team is actively working on a solution. This will be available in the next milestone release.

Feature Set:


To read more about this release, see this blog post.

Feel free to provide feedback on the WebUI in the comments! We are actively working on adding more features and improvements and we really value your feedback. :) 

Thank you.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm very glad to see this. A few small niggles as I try it for just a few minutes:

* I don't see any way to 'discover' the web UI by clicking my way from www.plasticscm.com. I presume you'll add an entry for it somewhere under https://www.plasticscm.com/dashboard in the future.

* The org name in the URL is case sensitive. If I enter "https://www.plasticscm.com/orgs/<our_org_name_all_lowercase>", then I get a 404 page. Some other services allow typing the URL with the user-chosen entity in the wrong case, and either roll with it, or redirect to the properly-cased version. (Example: both https://www.github.com/epicgames and https://www.github.com/EpicGames work)

* The repos view (https://www.plasticscm.com/orgs/<orgname>/repos) always prints the total number of repos, even when it shows filtered results. I would expect the view to print the number of repos that are shown on-screen. Most other views work like that.

Aside from this -- very glad to see this in action.


The #1 use case for me, initially, is to share a (read-only) link to a source file or a changeset with a colleague, who might not have the Plastic SCM client ready, or who might not have the workspace updated properly. Here are the three questions I'll ask myself:

* I'm in Visual Studio and looking at FooComponent.cpp. How do I create a plastic Web URL to that file the most easily?

* I'm in the Plastic SCM client, looking at a view that has FooComponent.cpp in a list of files. How do I create a plastic Web URL to that file most easily?

* I'm in the Plastic SCM client, looking at a changeset. How do I create a plastic Web URL to that changeset most easily?

* Someone has told me "um, there is some junk in FooComponent" over a Slack message, without making the effort to create a web URL for me. How do I access the Web UI and navigate to the latest version of that file most easily? What if I'm on a computer? (Less important - what if I'm on a mobile phone?)

* I'm in the Web UI, looking at a file. How do I jump to it in any kind of native program - Visual Studio, Plastic SCM client, ...?

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Bug report: I think that folders and files with "+" in the name are not handled correctly in the web UI.

I have a repo with folders in with "+" in the name. I can't enter those folders in the web UI. I also have files with "+" in the name. I can't get info on those files, and I can't download the contents.

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Bug report #2: Five minutes ago, I logged in to the WebUI. I can browse the files in our primary repo, but I cannot see the contents of any of the files. It appears that the web client is getting '400' responses from the backend when it does requests for actual data blobs, for example, https://euwest4-00-cloud.plasticscm.com:7178/api/v1/organizations/<org>/repos/<project>/revisions/1678635/data fails for me according to the Console log in Chrome.

--- backend response:

  "error": {
    "message": "An invalid user api token was provided."


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