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ERROR RestApi - Unable to retrieve the list of attributes named status. The server returned: The repository YourRepo was not found...

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What i'm doing wrong ?

I try to auto merge branch by using Mergbot

Plastic SCM:


WebAdmin :


Services :




2021-10-29 14:55:30,244 INFO  trunkbot - TrunkBot [Tera] started. Version []
2021-10-29 14:55:32,445 ERROR RestApi - Unable to retrieve the list of attributes named status. The server returned: The repository repo was not found.. The requested element doesn't exist.
2021-10-29 14:55:32,445 FATAL trunkbot - TrunkBot [Tera] is going to finish because it wasn't able to configure the required plastic status attribute [status] for its proper working. Reason: The repository repo was not found.
2021-10-29 14:55:32,446 FATAL trunkbot - TrunkBot [Tera] is going to finish: uncaught exception thrown during execution. Message: The repository repo was not found.



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Yes, this is the case with every repo and there is no empty space...

I even deleted and reinstalled the software.

Now i have just default repo and i have updated bot configuration.

Plasti log :

2021-10-29 17:17:39,591   conn:     0 protocol:local        sec:none recb:       0|rect:   0|sentb:       0|sendt:   0|queuedt:       0|prt:       0|th:   63|dest:   0|mt:       0|sert:   0|zip:   0|cpu:       0||user:|WebUI
2021-10-29 17:17:40,863   Enqueued new work. Enqueued: 1 Worker threads: 2 (2 free). conn    4
2021-10-29 17:17:40,863 (null)  There are 2 free threads - not starting a new one. Enqueued: 1. conn    4
2021-10-29 17:17:40,863   Request dequeued. It was waiting for 00:00:00.0000594. Queued requests: 0. ThId: 34. conn    4
2021-10-29 17:17:40,864   conn:     4 protocol:plasticproto sec:none recb:      16|rect:   0|sentb:      97|sendt:   0|queuedt:       0|prt:       0|th:   34|dest:   0|mt:       0|sert:   0|zip:   0|cpu:       0|    192.168.x.x|user:Windows|GetBranchInfoByName
2021-10-29 17:17:40,866   Enqueued new work. Enqueued: 1 Worker threads: 2 (2 free). conn    4
2021-10-29 17:17:40,866   There are 2 free threads - not starting a new one. Enqueued: 1. conn    4
2021-10-29 17:17:40,866   Request dequeued. It was waiting for 00:00:00.0000407. Queued requests: 0. ThId: 33. conn    4
2021-10-29 17:17:40,867   conn:     4 protocol:plasticproto sec:none recb:      18|rect:   0|sentb:      94|sendt:   0|queuedt:       0|prt:       0|th:   33|dest:   0|mt:       0|sert:   0|zip:   0|cpu:      15|    192.168.x.x|user:Windows|GetChangesetInfoByNumber

jet directory :




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