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Integration PlasticSCM with TeamCity CI Server


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i am trying to integrate PlasticSCM with TeamCity CI Server and of course i use plugin for integration (http://www.plasticsc...eamcity-ci.aspx).

I have successfully install PlasticSCM client (it works fine, even it allows me to work via `cm shell`). But when i connect new PlasticSCM VSC root i have next error: 

Test connection failed in Test :: test_build_conf. Unable to communicate with Plastic SCM command line shell - Error running command line client on shell mode. The 'cm shell' command was launched but the process terminated abnormally.


Could You please help me to fix it ?  Thank in advance for any help! 

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Thank You for answer! 


i use Linux and PATH to cm configured properly,i have even put full path to cm into TeamCity web-interface,but it doesn`t help .... 

there is no any other process,which can use or work with cm


Do You have any other ideas ? 

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Hi,  (I copy my extended answer from the other topic):


Hi,  the scenarios where I´ve seen this issue before:


- The first thing you can try is to write the full cm.exe path in the "Plastic command line executable" textbox, instead just the "cm" (check the user who run TeamCity has "cm" in %Path variable )
- Open task manager and check if there are some some cm.exe processes running. Close cm.exe processes.
- Go to windows services and restart TeamCity service. In properties, you can check if the user that starts TeamCity is the same as using Plastic. 
- Later, you will need to check if the windows user that is starting the TeamCity server is having Plastic SCM configured. You can do it by starting a command line window (cmd) as the TeamCity server user and run a "cm lrep" command, if the command successes, you will not have any problem with TeamCity, otherwise you will need to configure the client (plastic.exe --configure).
 Note: There's a trick to avoid configuring Plastic SCM with the TeamCity server account, you can copy your current "client.conf" file (C:\Users\XYZ\AppData\Local\plastic4\client.conf") into the plastic.exe location   (C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM4\client). Using this trick all the computers.
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hi !
it is me again :)
i have done all, but it doesn't help, then i have copy "client.conf" file from home directory of user, who runs TC, into /opt/PlasticSCM4/client and it helps!!!
so now all is OK! 
to me seems that it is problem with environment of TeamCity: it doesn't see "client.conf" file in the home directory. 

Thank YOU! 
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