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Update failure - Plastic can't access folder (Access denied)


Recommended Posts - Cudillero


I've experienced this a couple of times, and can't seem to figure out what is causing the problem.


After performing an update (when switching from one product version branch to another) I get the following error, sometimes on a single folder, other times on multiple folders.


Access to path '...src\client\hcideploy\API\deploy\bin\x86\release' is denied

when checking attributes in windows, it appears that there is no "owner" for the folder, and I can't set a new owner - Windows will show "Unable to display current owner." on the folder in question.


Trying to pick a user in "change owner to:" and apply results in - unable to set owner on x86

- so it appears that when plastic created the folder at the x86 level (and there are no files) - it doesn't properly set an owner attribute - causing the entire folder and sub-folders to be non-accessable - which results in the update failing.


Sometimes I can't delete the folder and have to wait for some indeterminate amount of time, then the delete succeeds and I can perform a "switch to branch" on the one that failed update and it will correct itself.


Anyone else seen this type of problem?  (I've seen other posts that have to do with file attributes, but not folder/owner properties)

I don't recall seeing this problem in the 4.x versions of plastic, only had issues with the 5.0+ versions

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Hi SilverKnight, can you wirte us to support at codicesoftware dot com or my personal mail? I can send you a couple of commands to understand what's happening, the files will, probably, contain file names and so on that's why I ask you for sending the email and not posting it here :P

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