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Cannot Connect Anymore


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I've been using PlasticSCM within Unity 2020.3.27f1 for a couple of weeks now. I've checked in many changes, everything has been great. Suddenly, I went to save a scene I made changes to and Unity started an endless import, requiring me to end the task. Since then I get a Can't Connect error with PlasticSCM that I cannot seem to get around.

I've tried restarting Unity, restarting my machine, running Unity without the Hub (doesn't seem feasible, launching the Unity.exe still opens the Hub). Not only can I not push or pull changes, I'm constantly interrupted with this dialog box popping up with the connection error.


I've attached an image of the popup, but I'll state here what it says:

"Can't connect to [useast4-00-cloud.plasticscm.com:8787] after 3032 ms. To increase the timeout set SocketConnectTimeoutMillisec in client.conf. Configure server.conf if the timeout happens during push/pull


Any help would be immensely appreciated, I've got lots of work to do and I can't afford to be slowed down right now.

Thanks so much,



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  • 3 months later...

@beefsweaterI believe the above users were affected by a trivial service outage. We do not have any reports of service outages when you reported this behaviour, but it is worth noting that this error message can also indicate an issue environmental to your workstation or network. E.g. Firewall or Antivirus restrictions.

If you are still experiencing this behaviour, please log a support ticket with us and we will be happy to investigate.


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