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Code Review Trigger Missing Data


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I see in the docs that a mkreview trigger is supposed to include the PLASTIC_REVIEW_ASSIGNEE. But it appears that the review is being created as soon as you click create review, so it triggers before a reviewee is assigned and this field is not included.
We are using the new gui and using webhooks.

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Unfortunately, this is why the documentation describes this variable PLASTIC_REVIEW_ASSIGNEE as  "The user assigned to the code review, if any.", the scenario you mention doesn't have this variable populated, but for example, this can get populated at creation if the code review was created via the command line.

Are you able to fill your requirement with the editreview trigger instead?

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Yes I am currently using the edit review trigger to accomplish the task. I just thought it was odd that assignee is never filled because the event fires before you have a chance to assign anyone to the review. I assumed this was a bug.

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