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I'm trying to understand what i'm doing wrong with this. So, I have two devices connected to the cloud and the files have been uploaded from collaborate already. Now i'm running into a issue where I use plastic scm and I hit checkin, It says its good but than doesn't update on the other device. Am I doing something wrong? I setup a workspace with the cloud repository. 

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Hi @Kingllama, so on your other device you aren't seeing any of the changes you're pushing on your first device, can you look at the bottom right of the Plastic SCM window to make sure that the Plastic URL for your workspaces match? (Specifically, your <repo>@<org>@cloud URL).

If the URLs match, then can you open the Changesets tab in the Plastic SCM window of both devices to see if they match, if you're seeing the latest changes there? I'm curious if each device is synced with a different workspace and that might explain why you're not seeing your changes sync.

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