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Can not merge .unity file on Mac


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Hi Guys,

I am trying to merge two branching and resolve a conflict in a .unity file. I have added the following as a merge tool for .unity files in Plastic's config.

"/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.25f1/Unity.app/Contents/Tools/UnityYAMLMerge" merge -p "@basefile" "@sourcefile" "@destinationfile" "@output"

So my hope is that when I try to resolve the conflict, UnityYAMLMerge will do most of the work then hand over to FileMerge so I can manually do the rest.

The problem is that when I save the changes in FileMerge then close the program, PlasticSCM does not recognise that the merge has been resolved and still says there are 5/5 conflicts remaining.

How can I resolve this please?

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