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Permissions explained


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I am trying to get an overview of how to properly control the permissions.

For instance, I have a permission on the top server level which is set to "Denied", but I want to override it on a repository by setting it to "Allowed".


This combination works. But what is not very clear is why there are 2 boxes for override. If I already click the override for "Allowed" I would assume it overrides "Denied". But I have to also override "Denied" and set it to be false. Can a permission both be "Allowed" and "Denied" at the same time since it must be done so explicitly? And what if a permission is neither "Allowed" nor "Denied", what does that mean for the user?

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  • 2 weeks later...
A permission that is not Denied nor allowed is considered as not having permissions for that operation, but without explicitly preventing them from being added. When you have the denied permissions set, it takes precedence over the allowed ones and it is inherited, having to override the permissions explicitly to allow them.
There are two boxes because you may not want to override the permissions for both. Or not need it. This is more common in complex user networks with thousands of users.

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